Sunday, April 4, 2010

preloader for swf in dreamweaver

Hi there,

I am new to Flash and Actionscript, so bear with me

I am buidling a website in Dreamweaver CS3.

Is it possible to create a preloader for an swf file,?inside a div tag within a Dreamweaver document?.

Take my friends site for exampe, which I suspect is made entirely in Flash:

When you,click on any button inside ''portfolio'', a preloader symbol appears ,but?the movie does not procede without the control of the red next and previous buttons at the bottom right corner. How is this done?.

I am reluctant to design everything in Flash, is that I have heard search engines such as Google have trouble indexing website's that are made entirely from Flash. Or am I wrong in thinking this?.

Any help is very?much appreciated,


preloader for swf in dreamweaver

you can make a preloader for a swf file but the preloader should be another swf file or part of the swf file that you're going to embed.?it would be more work to embed another swf file?preloader in its own div and wouldn't make much sense.

preloader for swf in dreamweaver

I see. Thanks

Basically, what I want is for the images to preload so theres no delay when the viewer looks throuh them

So, how do you make preloader for an home/index page, such as the way this one works:

First you just have a preloader in a blank page then the main content of the website appears..

Sorry! Im new to this. Thankyou,,


that can't be answered without knowing something about the swf that displays the images.?first, are the images in that swfs library or are they loaded by that swf?

They are in the library..

then open your current image containing fla, add an empty keyframe at frame one, attach a stop() at frame 1 and save it with a name different from index.fla.?

if you save it as gallery.fla and publish a gallery.swf, you can create a new fla and save that as index.fla and use:

var tf:TextField=new TextField();

tf.text=''0% Loaded '';


var ldr:Loader=new Loader();


ldr.load(new URLRequest(''gallery.swf''));





function preloadF(e:ProgressEvent){

var bl:uint=e.bytesLoaded;

var bt:uint=e.bytesTotal;

tf.text=Math.round(100*bl/bt).toString()+''% Loaded'';








you're welcome.

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