Sunday, April 4, 2010

getting media-

Once again I am having trouble importing my still images into PE 7 to make a slide show with video also. After arrainging the stills the way I want them and renaming them, PE 7 brings them in all mixed up. I even did a batch rename in PS to try to override this. I thought PE 7 might be using the embedded dates on the jpegs to bring them in, but I checked the dates taken and it isn't even doing that. I know I can arrainge the stills in PE 7, but it is much easier to do this in PS as a batch rename. It doesn't seem like it should be this difficult. Any suggestions?


getting media-

You can order them in the project Media Bin by name, click on the column header. There are also a number of other column options that you haven't probably seen. You need to go to Window%26gt;Show Docking Headers, then click on the docking header for the Media Panel (to the right of Tasks) and select Edit Columns. You will then see a complete list of column display options.

getting media-

Thanks for your reply. I have tried to do what you have suggested which makes total sense to me.

I do have the Docking headers showing and have tried to click on the docking header for the Media Panel but I am not finding the columns to select the different options. I am including a jpep of my screen so you can see what I am looking at.


You can order them in the project Media Bin by name, click on the column header. There are also a number of other column options that you haven't probably seen. You need to go to Window%26gt;Show Docking Headers, then click on the docking header for the Media Panel (to the right of Tasks) and select Edit Columns. You will then see a complete list of column display options.

You need to click on the ''Edit'' tab. Then you will see the two little arrows to the upper right. Click on these and select Edit Columns.

Thanks again,

I know what the two double arrows are (just like the one to the right of my project and also monitor. In the edit mode, they are not there. I have encluded another jpeg of the print screen in edit mode. Either I am still missing something or maybe there is something wrong with my software.



I forgot to mention in the last post that when I click on the arrow in the task bar, nothing happens. Shouldn't it collapse it or change somethin?

Try dragging your monitor window to the left... making it smaller. The two little arrows should then appear.

The arrow next to Task does nothing.

Awesome! Thanks. I did move the monitor box over and there it was. I then selected capture settings and the images were in the right order. Now I can make the show so much easier!!


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