Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Keyframes not working?

Ok so i added a brightness and contrast effect to my clip and placed 4 keyframes. That's how i set it:


1st keyframe: -100 (dark)

2nd keyframe: 100 (really bright)
3rd keyframe: 100 (really bright)
4th keyframe: 0 (standard)

everything was going great up to the 3rd keyframe, in which you could see the brightness up to 100. when i placed the 4th keyframe, the other keyframes appeared not to work, nothing had brightness, even though i had placed the other keyframes to 100 before the 4th one.

Ps. It worked only in 1 clip, it didnt work in the other ones though. I don't know what's going on what's the problem??


Keyframes not working?

Is the clip time-remapped by any chance??Keyframes don't work properly on Time-remapped clips - the problem wasn't fixed in latest update.

If this is what it going on, then you can get around the bug by nesting the time-remapped clip and applying the keyframes to the nested clip.

Keyframes not working?

actually, it wasn't remapped, but the nesting trick did work thanks!
now i need to know how to mask -___-


Help Downloading CS4?

i downloaded the trial of the new illustrator,

and it downloads 2 files, a large one and a really small one,

halfway through downloading i had to close and resume,

so the small one dissapeared from the manager because it was finished,

and now the large file has finished, akamai download manager can't launch the file,

do i need a different program to launch it?

or do i just need the small file in the download manager with it to launch?

if so how do i do this/what program?

Help Downloading CS4?

You need to launch the small package, which actually is the extractor for the big package. Other than that you can open and extract 7z archives with tools like WinRar, WinZip or the original 7zip.


IE8 is adding two pixels to an editable...

I have an 800px X?250px image in an editable region inside a table that renders fine in Dreamweaver Live View, Firefox and older IE. As soon as I upgraded to IE8 the 800px X?250px image in an editable region added two more pixels. If I remove the editable region and just place the images in the table the site renders fine in IE8.

The site is winetablesbygeorge.com. If you're using the lastest IE8 you'll notice the right hand side had the two extra pixels.



Sony A700 with ISO 100

1. The native ISO of the Sony A700 is about 160. Accordingly, ISO 100 is in fact ISO 160 with +2/3 EV exposure bias.

2. ACR adds 0.75 EV ''exposure'' adjustment to the Sony A700 images. The issue at this point is not this is nonsense, but following this procedure, the adjustment with ISO 100 should be 0.1 EV.

The result is, that the anyway overexposed ISO 100 shots appear hopelessly burnt without further adjustment.

It is worth to note, that the A900 behaves the same way, and look what ACR is doing: +0.35 EV adjustment with all ISOs except 100, and -0.35 EV with ISO 100, i.e. ACR accounts for the ISO difference.

Akamai Download Manager - Need Help!?

i downloaded the trial of the new illustrator,

and it downloads 2 files, a large one and a really small one,

halfway through downloading i had to close and resume,

so the small one dissapeared from the manager because it was finished,

and now the large file has finished, akamai download manager can't launch the file,

do i need a different program to launch it?

or do i just need the small file in the download manager with it to launch?

if so how do i do this/what program?

Akamai Download Manager - Need Help!?

the small file is used to extract the big one. Check the Save As column of the download manager to see where it downloaded those two files. Alternatively you can use 7zip to manually extract the big file http://www.7-zip.org/

Akamai Download Manager - Need Help!?

What the Mac alternative?

I use Stuffit Deluxe which use all types of compression decompression formats. I 'm not sure if 7zip is a type can handle, though it does handle zip.


This akamai Download Manager, is now doing my head in!!!

Advice was given from adobe to use firefox and now I still cannot load the free trial of the cs4 adobe dreamweaver!!

I cannot find a download button for akamai download manager any where!!

Is it ment to be this difficult?!!

Everything seems soooo straight forward for other programmes!!

can anyone shed any light on this!!



ruler units in AE CS4?

can the ruler units be changed in AE CS4?

Thank YOU!

ruler units in AE CS4?

No. It's all pixels all the time. What would you want to change the units to?

Here's a link to the feature-request form.

ruler units in AE CS4?

I'd like to be able to see percentages...

thanks for the answer

The dialogs for each transform property (Layer %26gt; Transform %26gt; Position, Scale, etc) let you temporarilly use ''% of source'' and ''% of composition''.

When you commit, the values are translated to that property's native units (pixels for position, percentage of source for scale, etc).

  • facebook layouts
  • Spry Submenu Hidden behind Body

    Hi.?My apologies to the community, but I had this problem a while back and thought the z-index advice was the fix, but it turned out not to help.?Can someone please log on to my site at www.mtbresource.com via Firefox and check it out??The spry submenus on the far RHS (Media =%26gt; Interviews =%26gt; Tinker Juarez, or Media =%26gt; Interviews =%26gt; Craig Beirly, or Media =%26gt; Features =%26gt; Mountain Bike Cops) are all being obscured by the Body.?Have tried many different iterations of z-index adjusting to no avail.?Thanks so much.

    I think the following might be the relevent snips of code in case this is useful:

    ?font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    ?margin: 0;
    ?text-align: center; /* this centers the container in IE 5* browsers. The text is then set to the left aligned default in the #container selector */
    ?color: #000000;
    ?background-color: #666666;

    %26lt;div align=''left''%26gt;
    ?%26lt;ul id=''MenuBar1'' class=''MenuBarHorizontal''%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../index.html''%26gt;Home%26lt;/a%26gt; %26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''#'' class=''MenuBarItemSubmenu''%26gt;Connections%26lt;/a%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksBikesAndFrames.html''%26gt;Bikes and Frames%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksPartsAndComponents.html''%26gt;Parts and Components%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksTools.html''%26gt;Tools%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksBikeShops.html''%26gt;Bike Shops%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksOnlineRetailers.html''%26gt;Online Retailers%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksAccessories.html''%26gt;Accessories%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksResources.html''%26gt;Resources%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../LinksEvents.html''%26gt;Events%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;

    %26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''#'' class=''MenuBarItemSubmenu''%26gt;Media%26lt;/a%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../Videos.html''%26gt;Videos%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../ImageGallery.html''%26gt;Image Gallery%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''#'' class=''MenuBarItemSubmenu''%26gt;Interviews%26lt;/a%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../TinkerInterview.html''%26gt;Tinker Juarez%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../CraigBierlyInterview.html''%26gt;Ulysses of MTB%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''#'' class=''MenuBarItemSubmenu''%26gt;Features%26lt;/a%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../FeatureCopsOnMountainBikes.html''%26gt;Mountain Bike Cops%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
    ?%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=''../OnlineGames.html''%26gt;Online Games%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;

    Spry Submenu Hidden behind Body

    Anyone, please??I'll take any input I can get.?Thanks.

    Spry Submenu Hidden behind Body

    I don't believe it has anything to do with z-index.?It's due to the width of the .thrColFixHdr #container and the dropdown and sub menus being contained within that width.

    Using Firefox and the webdeveloper toolbar to edit the width, I changed it to 900px (instead of 780px) and the dropdown was visible as was the sub-menu which touches the very right edge of the container.

    I'm not familiar enough with the Spry Menus to offer a quick fix, but I'm wondering whether there's a way to make the sub-menu flyout open to the left side instead of the right on that dropmenu... because the sub at the moment is being contained by the width of the container.

    Unless you expand the width of that container (to allow the submenu to show), you may need to rethink the layout of the menus.?I would have suggested moving that menu to inside, but all your main menus have subs... so that's out as well

    You may want to ask the question over at the Spry forum - as there could be a fix to have the flyout happen on the left by using -minus units, but as I said, not entirely sure whether this is possible.

    good inpu and thank you so much. I'm going to pursue these options. Will let you know what works.

    Great.?This was very helpful.?After running my own tests, I confirmed as you suggested, that it's not the z-index of the body versus container.?You're right, widening the container works, but that impacts the rest of my layout.?I will look into adjusting the Spry Submenu flyout direction for future reference.?However, the simplest fix was, as you suggested, to move this menu item inside and that's exactly what I have done.?I was able to do so because I do have one menu item w/o submenus, which I placed to the far right now.?Thanks a lot!

    Can I set Image Border to ''0'' by...

    Can I set the image border to ''0'' by default when I make it a link? Or do I have to manually set it everytime? Please tell me I can and if so, how? Thanks a million!

    Can I set Image Border to ''0'' by...

    Add this to your CSS:(removes borders from all linked images)

    a img {border: none}

    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design %26amp; Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media?Specialists

    Can I set Image Border to ''0'' by...

    If you are asking if there is a way to have Dreamweaver automatically default to this whenever you make a link - no, I do not believe there is.

    One option though would be to create a basic 'starting point' template that includes:

    a img {border: none}

    in a style sheet at the top of your page.

    This way, if you select this template when launching DW, it would always be included.

    good luck!


    Book pagination

    In my book's front matter, I want no page numbers on the title and copyright pages, and then numbers to start with iii on the third page of the book. How do I accomplish this? The answer does not seem to be in the Book Numbering Options. Can someone help? Thanks.

    Book pagination

    Either make and apply a master page with no page number marker (and this is a good method if you need other things that might be repeated, and it can often be done as simply as basing a new master on the existing one, then deleting the page marker), apply the None master page if you want it completely devoid of master content, or Ctrl (Cmd) + Shift Click on the page number to override it ont the live page and delete it (but this should be your last choice as master items have a way of coming back if you shuffle pages).

    Book pagination

    Thanks, Peter,

    Your first suggestion worked just fine. Thanks for the help.


    Converting ImageReady droplets to...

    I have a bunch of ImageReady droplets that I use to process images for a website. The droplets do things like resize the images, add borders to them, and save them in various directories.

    I'm trying to create Photoshop versions of these droplets. I couldn't find a way to convert the droplets to Photoshop directly (if there is a way to do that, I'd love to hear about it!), so I tried creating new Photoshop droplets that do the same things as the ImageReady ones. I managed to reproduce the sequence of actions in Photoshop, but when I tried to run the droplets, I got a very unhelpful error message. (It was just the standard ''Photoshop has encountered a problem and needs to close'' message, except that when I hit ''End Now,'' the program didn't close.)

    So I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help me out?


    Converting ImageReady droplets to...

    does the action that you created to make the droplet run fine when used from the Actions panel?

    Converting ImageReady droplets to...

    I'm not sure what you mean.

    [Edit] Okay, I just figured out what you mean. Yes, it works fine when I run it from the Actions panel.

    i mean open a image and run the action that you made a droplet out of on it to see if it runs without any errors

    Yes, it works fine when I do that.

    ok, then try running that action using File-%26gt;Automate-%26gt;Batch on those images and see if you get any errors

    That works fine as well.

    you've got me, if it works with the Batch command then i don't see any reason for it to not work with a droplet as they're basically the same thing. Wait, how are you trying to ''run'' them? To use droplets you have to drag a folder or file over the icon of the droplet

    Yes, that's what I'm doing.

    Maybe it's something to do with the options I select in the ''Create Droplet'' pane? I've just been selecting the name of the action and a place to save it; is there something else I should be checking off or more information that I need to enter?

    the options are the same, the only difference between Batch and Create Droplet is that Batch asks for the files that you want processed while the Create Droplet asks you where to save the droplet

    Hmm. Okay... so what the heck is going on here, then? :/

    Artboard and bleed areas


    I'm testing Illustrator before buying - I have a simple question please. The attached document will clarify. I've created a document of 200 by 70. When I export it, the surrounding area (which I think is the bleed area but may not be) is far too big. I've set the bleed area to zero and zero but still the area is huge. I want the artboard to fit up against the document, which it seems to do when I'm working on it, and when I export as a PNG, when it's too large.



    Artboard and bleed areas

    The drop shadow is what's causing it. The image needs all that area to completely render the drop shadow.

    You can A) reduce the size of the drop shadow, or B) set the artboard to the exact size you want the image then click the export to the artboard then use Save for web, not the export command. (which will clip the shadow too).

    Artboard and bleed areas

    Thank you Scott!

    Kind regards


    Installing Adobe Bridge

    I'm looking for some help and advice. I have just bought an Acer Aspire One Windows XP Netbook and would like to install Adobe Bridge onto it so that I can view and organise my RAW images after downloading from the camera whilst away on holiday. I do not want to install Photoshop onto this device due to screen size and anyway the touch up / correction process will give me something to do over the winter months. Is there a way that I can load bridge on it's own as it is normally loaded on as part of the photoshop install. Any help would be grately appreciated

    Installing Adobe Bridge

    I think you need Photoshop: Camera Raw is a plugin to Photoshop.?You can use Bridge to host and run ACR without launching Photoshop.?But you will need minimum screen dimensions required by ACR.?If your netbook does not offer the required minimum sceen dimensions and you don't need to process your raw images with camera raw, you might consider a standalone browser product just to view and organize the raws?(somethimg like Breezebrowser? ... perhaps others can pffer suggestion.

  • facebook layouts
  • 閳ユゲist variables閳?command in testing...

    In testing environment, the 閳ユゲist variables閳?command only shows me : Niveau #0:Variable _level0.$version = ''WIN 9,0,45,0''.

    It is described in Flash 9 help (French version : ActionScript / D鑼卋ogage du code ActionScript 1.0 et 2.0 / Liste des objets et variables d'un fichier SWF : Enum鑼卹ation des variables d'un fichier SWF dans le panneau de sortie.)

    I would like to see this command functioning.

    Can you tell me how?

    閳ユゲist variables閳?command in testing...

    are you using flex??if so, you may get better response from a flex forum.

    閳ユゲist variables閳?command in testing...

    I'm using Flash. I've asked this question in differents forums. I never had any answer. That's the reason why I come here...

    copy and paste your actionscript.

    Every ActionScript gives me this same answer (With previous versions of Flash, I never had this problem). The Flash help example (and any other code, with a lot of variables) :

    var myCatSays:String = ''meow'';

    var myNum:uint= 313;

    var myArray:Array = [''one'', ''two'', ''three''];


    always gives me :

    Niveau#0: Variable_level0.$version=''WIN 9,0,45,0''

    copy and paste the relevant actionscript.

    /* relevant ??*/

    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

    const IMG_DATA:BitmapData = new Puma(400, 300);
    const DIM:Bitmap = new Bitmap(IMG_DATA);

    const IW:uint = DIM.width;
    const IH:uint = DIM.height;
    const IO:uint = DIM.x = (stage.stageWidth - IW) / 2;
    const JO:uint = DIM.y = (stage.stageHeight - IH) / 2;

    const W:uint = 10, H:uint = 10;
    const C:uint = IW / W;
    const L:uint = IH / H;
    const PW:uint = 2;// puissance du Mvt
    const FR:Number = .88;//.85// frottement
    const RATIO:Number = .7;//7// dur鑼卐
    const DMAX:uint = 1e+4;
    const A:Number = PW / DMAX;

    const S:Sprite = new Sprite();
    S.x = IO, S.y = JO;

    const M:Sprite = new Sprite();
    M.graphics.drawRect(IO, JO, IW, IH);
    S.mask = M;

    var m:MovieClip;

    for (var i:uint=0; i%26lt;C; i++) {
    for (var j:uint=0; j%26lt;L; j++) {
    ?var cut:BitmapData = new BitmapData(W, H);
    ?cut.copyPixels(IMG_DATA, new Rectangle(W * i, H * j, W, H), new Point(0, 0));
    ?m = new MovieClip();
    ?var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(cut);
    ?m.x = m.xo = W * i;
    ?m.y = m.yo = H * j;
    ?m.vx = m.vy = 0;
    ?m.fx = m.fy = 0;
    ?m.dx = m.dy = 0;
    ?m.sgnX = m.sgnY = 0;
    ?m.dist = 0;

    function elastic(e:Event):void {
    var n:uint = S.numChildren;
    while(--n%26gt;=0) {
    ?m = MovieClip(S.getChildAt(n));
    ?m.dx = this.mouseX - m.x - W - 50;
    ?m.dy = this.mouseY - m.y - H - 50;
    ?m.sgnX = (m.dx %26gt; 0)? -1 : 1;
    ?m.sgnY = (m.dy %26gt; 0)? -1 : 1;
    ?m.dist = m.dx * m.dx + m.dy * m.dy;
    ?m.fx = m.fy = 0;
    ?if (m.dist %26lt; DMAX) {
    var f = - A * m.dist + PW;
    m.fx = m.dx * m.dx / m.dist * m.sgnX * f;
    m.fy = m.dy * m.dy / m.dist * m.sgnY * f;
    ?m.vx = ((m.vx * FR) + (m.xo - m.x) * RATIO) + m.fx;
    ?m.vy = ((m.vy * FR) + (m.yo - m.y) * RATIO) + m.fy;
    ?m.x += m.vx;
    ?m.y += m.vy;

    // Arr閿歵 du mouvement
    var mv:Boolean = false;
    var t0:int = .85e+3;

    function MouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
    mv = true;
    t0 = getTimer() + .95e+3; //.85e+3
    this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, MouseMove);

    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, EnterFrame);
    function EnterFrame(e:Event):void {
    if (!mv) {
    ?var dt = t0 - getTimer();
    ?if (dt%26lt;0) {
    this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, elastic);
    } else {
    ?mv = !mv;
    ?this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, elastic);

    (for example)

    so, you're not using the trace() function to cause that output panel display.?so, what's causing that?

    I thank you help me, but the trace function is mot the object of my question. I only want to see this command functioning : 'List variables'; and not any other one.

    This command is detailed in Flash Help.

    In my french version :

    FLASH HELP : ActionScript/D鑼卋ogage du code ActionScript/Liste des objets et variables d'un fichier SWF : Enum鑼卹ation des variables d'un fichier SWF dans le panneau de sortie.

    WHEN TESTING (.swf window) : D鑼卋oguer %26gt; Lister les variables

    That command should give me the varaibles list. Why don't I have this list ?

    you're using the as2 debugger of an as3 application.


    I know the debugger console since a long time. That's not the thing I ask. I want to ''list variables'' in the .swf window (as the title of this thread says:'List variables' command in testing environment), but not the 'Variables' window in the debug console.

    Then, if I'm using AS2 debugger of an AS3 application, what is the utility of this command 'LIST VARIABLES' in my FLASH 9 application? Why does it exists? And what is its UTILITY in FLASH 9?

    It's not here to always show me: ''Niveau#0: Variable_level.$version=''WIN 9,0,45,0'' !

    I thank you, but my question is not answered.

    I don't understand utility of a command which is used FOR NOTHING in Flash 9 !

    (I'm not using the AS2 debbuger: the AS2 debugger exists, and it is NOT this command)

    (in AS2)

    use break points in your code and click debug/debug movie.?your variables will be listed in the variables panel.

    I DONT WANT to use break points in my code and click debug/debug movie. Debug command is NOT the one I want to see functioning HERE and is NOT the object of my question !

    I only want to LIST my variables, like Flash documentation indicates it.

    What is the utility of 'LIST VARIABLES' command in FLASH 9 ?


    When using Flash 9 I go here (in french version) : 'Fichier' %26gt; 'Param鐚玹res de publication', and I modify : Flash player 8 and ActionScript 2.0, I see variables throw testing environment, when I do the 'List variables' command (.swf window : ''Debug' %26gt; 'List variables')

    It's that command, which is also here in Flash 9 (Flash player 9 and ActionScript 3) that I want to see functioning.

    well, i'm sorry.?the as3 debugger is not the same as the as2 debugger.?either adapt or not.

    You keep me in suspense : What is the utility, the ''raison d'閿歵re'' of this famous 'LIST VARIABLES' command in FLASH 9 ?

    Until something better turns up...

    More !

    If you download ADOBE samples here: http://adobe.com/devnet/flash/?navID=samples

    Open for example : flash_as3_samples %26gt; Drawing %26gt; 3_graphics

    List variables in testing environment (with Flash player 9 and ActionScript 3.0): that runs smoothly!

    Thomebody knows how to parameter this command ?


    The previous sample concerned ''les composants''.

    In reality, for works concerning AMV2 (Flash Player 9/AS3), this command will apparently never exist again. DMD only gives this functionality, but it's not exactly the same...

    Elements 7 and Windows 7

    I want to install the RAW plug-in for Elements 7 on to my 64 bit PC, but the instructions that I have found on the Adobe pages don't seem to apply to Windows 7 (file names/locations).

    I would also like to say that apart from E7 not recognisimg my memory cards when inserted I have had no other problems with it on my 64 bit PC.



    Elements 7 and Windows 7

    This forum is for Adobe's Acrobat Widows product and not for Adobe's PhotoShop Elements product.

    Adobe does not support pre-release OSs and Windows 7 is still a pre-release product from MicroSoft.

    Elements 7 and Windows 7

    Is this Photoshop Elements? If so you are in the wrong forum. If Acrobat Elements, it is incompatible with Vista 64.

    My error wrong forum


  • facebook layouts
  • I cannot figure out which effect is...

    This image is on a website im working on, and is used as a roll-over.?I have included both the original and the modified image.?All I know about the image(s) is that they were created in photoshop.?I am new to photoshop, so any help would be great!

    Thanks everyone!

    I cannot figure out which effect is...

    Look into layer styles. Your posted pics seem to use outer glow.

    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/Photoshop/11.0/WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-7 89ba.html

    Problem with uploaded videos - picture...

    I've just purchased and installed PE7 to use with my new Panasonic HDC-SD20 camcorder that records in AVCHD format.

    I have uploaded several videos to practice with. However, I am finding that when double clicking on a video to view it, I get a shaky picture and the sound keeps cutting out. I haven't messed around with any of the settings, so I really don't know what I've done wrong. When viewing the same videos on the camcorder itself I get no such problems.

    I thought my PC would be capable - details as follows: Windows Vista, 4.00GB RAM, AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-Core Processor 2.20 GHz, 32-bit operating system.?I've also downloaded 'GSpot 270a' to check codecs and as far as I can tell I am not missing anything (my status is 'ready - with 161 codecs loaded').

    So, please can someone help me?!!



    Problem with uploaded videos - picture...

    Try hitting the Enter key on your keyboard to render the clip.

    By the way, did you select an AVCHD project preset at the start up screen.

    Problem with uploaded videos - picture...

    Having clicked on 'Get Media', I selected 'AVCHD or other hard disk / memory camcorder'. Is that the same thing as selectind AVCHD for project preset at the start up screen?

    I tried clicking the Enter key on my keyboard when viewing the video but it didn't do anything ??

    Sounds like you dont have the correct project preset then, when you open PE7 you come to the start up screen, select New Project, then at the bottom of the window select Change Settings... here you will find the project presets. Select an AVCHD project preset that matches the AVCHD from your camcorder... stereo or 5.1 audio, 1920x1080 (''full'') or 1440x1080.

    Once the video is on the timeline (not while playing), hit the Enter key... this will render the video. The red line above the video will turn green and it will play back smoothly. If you processor is fast enough you may not need to render.

    Thanks Paul. This worked.

    I've ordered some tutorial videos for PE7 which I'm obviously going to need by the look of things!

    In the meantime, your advice has helped, so thanks again.


    You may want to check out the tutorials over at Muvipix.com there are a number of free ones in the Complementary Product section


    Useful for an amateur to upgrade from...


    Is it recommended for a bloody amateur to upgrade?

    I have just purchased a Sony 520 with AVCHD.

    Is Premiere Pro 7 able to handle this format?

    Thanks for all hint.



    Useful for an amateur to upgrade from...

    Pro 1,0 (7) will not handle AVCDH.

    CS4 will but you will need a QuadCore to go along with it.

    Useful for an amateur to upgrade from...

    I know but, that is not the problem. If you import the mov clips to the

    timeline it will not run smoothly till you render them and that takes a

    while,. the final movie to tape however is stunning. I will not be using a

    AVCHD codec videocamera, and will not upgrade till Adobe solves the

    performance of mov files out of the Canon 5D mark II in I will upgrade when

    they get there act together.


    Have you filed a Feature Request for full Canon 5D MKII support with Adobe? That would be a good first step. Also, Adobe is conducting a survey right now, and you can fill in requests for formats that you wish to use. This would be worth the effort, if you have not done so already.

    Good luck,


    BTW I think that it was the AVCHD support that the OP was asking about. Ann gave them the right info to help make the upgrade decision.


    Thank You for Your message



    getting access to Channels used by RPCs

    From what I understand, each RPC has a ChannelSet which is a set of channels that the RPC uses to connect and relay messages back and forth. I have looked at the API docs and we have access to the ChannelSet from the RPC object. However, the ChannelSet does not give us direct access to the channels in it. Instead, it only contains an array of Channel Ids. I want to get direct access to all the Channels in a ChannelSet for a particular RPC - can anyone guide me on how I could go about doing that? Is there a way to get access to a Channel given its id?


    positioning question

    layout design: liquid, with header, left floated menu, and main content

    What css rules should I apply to get the blue header appear behind the left orange menu? I know that a neagtive margin is required to get the header to drop below the top of the menu, but I do not know how to get the blue header bar appear BEHIND the menu.

    Here is an example site, just to shouw the idea; the header in blue behind the left orange menu bar: http://www.zorginbeeld.be/

    And here is what I made of it so far: http://mysafety.be/zorginbeeld.html

    positioning question

    Erik Arckens wrote:

    but I do not know how to get the blue header bar appear BEHIND the menupositioning question

    Sure, thanks. Could you maybe give me a hint on html and css coding please?

    Sorry, an error has occurred (Vista...


    I want to provide a simple HelloWorld application, which also can be installed by users who don't have Adobe Air.

    A prototype is available here!

    It works with the computer (Vista) where I created the HelloWorld application on. It also worked with another Vista engine where Adobe Air wasn't installed at all. Everything worked fine.

    However, calling the above URL and trying to install the app under Win XP, I receive an error message at the end:

    Sorry, an error has occurred.

    The application could not be installed. Try installing it again. If the problem persists, contact the application author (error# 0).

    I'm logged in as admin etc.

    Does anybody know what the solution for this problem could be?

  • facebook layouts
  • Alesis Firewire causes bluescreen.

    Hello all,

    I posted a thread in the Audio hardware forum about 4 days ago. I hadn't gotten any response, so I figured I'd link it to this forum. It seems this one gets alot more attention.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback! I hope someone may shed some light, or share the same frustrations as me.

    Original Thread:


    Thanks again!



    I am building system which will generate html/css from FB4, and I used ImageSnapshot for capturing different elements, and I noticed, that it works very slow, especially if scaleLimited is 'false', at the same time it seems like flash player renders data at 25fps+.

    Is it scheduled to modify render-capture process for better performance? Or maybe I used some old interface, and there are newer methods for that?

    AP DIV Horrible in IE6



    I usually do not use AP divs, but I have in this case to avoid having to deal with transperancy issues in IE6 etc.

    Now though it is displaying horribly.. I tired to use CLEAR on the AP Divs ( i read that somewhere) but it didnt work.

    The Divs are all moving right and there are horrible large white boxes all over the place....

    Any help?

    AP DIV Horrible in IE6

    Hmm, try to use float left instead.

    AP DIV Horrible in IE6

    AP Divs are rarely a good primary layout method.?My advice would be to rebuild this layout using margins and floats instead of AP Dvis.

    Example of 3-column layout with header between 2 floated sidebars.


    View Page Source in browser to see the code.

    Good luck with your project!

    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design %26amp; Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media?Specialists

    Finding Tutorials

    I am looking for tutorials that teach about creating e-learning content with flash.?I am decent with flash and actionscript but I don't know how to make it work with LMS and stuff like that. I would like something that shows how to make it from beginning to end but any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Finding Tutorials

    search using google.

    Finding Tutorials

    I've searched with google but haven't found anything useful.

    use:?learning management system flash tutorial

    Remove a past post

    Is there an easy way to remove a past message post from the Adobe forums? I posted several messages back in April this year and referenced a specific URL. Problem now is that when someone searches, the URL comes up periodically and is associated with a problem. If possible, I'd like to remove the messages to prevent this. Any easy way to do this?

    Remove a past post

    Is there an easy way to remove a past message post from the Adobe forums? I posted several messages back in April this year and referenced a specific URL. Problem now is that when someone searches, the URL comes up periodically and is associated with a problem. If possible, I'd like to remove the messages to prevent this. Any easy way to do this?

    Remove a past post

    I think the ability to edit posts disappears as soon as someone replies to it. However, a moderator can edit or delete posts.

    If the OP sends me details of the posts that need to be edited (via Private Message if you don't want the details displayed in the open forum), I can deal with it. However, it might take some time before search engines reindex the affected posts.

    quick questions converting from AS2 to 3

    Is the following code correct AS3??should ''flash.display.loader'' occur in the manner shown below?

    Is ''package'' a generic name or should it be customized??

    Thanks for your help and suggestions--just getting back to Flash after a few years...sorry about the basic questions.

    var message:Number = 0;

    var requested_message:Number = 0;

    package {

    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    import flash.ui.Mouse;

    import flash.events.MouseEvent;

    import flash.text.TextField;

    MovieClip(root).stage_target_mc.internal_stage_target_mc.flash.display.loader(''m essage_displayed''+message+''.swf'');

    next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, next_message);

    function next_message (event:MousEvent):void {

    ?message = ++message;

    ?MovieClip(root).stage_target_mc.internal_stage_target_mc.flash.display.loader('' message_displayed''+message+''.swf'');




    quick questions converting from AS2 to 3

    package is a keyword and never changes.?you can add text after package to indicate a package name/location.

    and no, your code doesn't look ok.?to start, all code should follow the brackets after package and variable declarations needed outside of functions should be after a class name and before the class constructor.

    you should check some sample class files, if that's what you're trying to create.

    quick questions converting from AS2 to 3

    Thanks for your help!?A few more specific questions:

    When trying to update:

    _root.stage_target_mc.internal_stage_target_mc.loadMovie(''message_displayed''+mes sage+''.swf'');

    to AS3:

    MovieClip(root).stage_target_mc.internal_stage_target_mc.flash.display.loader(''m essage_displayed''+message+''.swf'');

    no, it wouldn't.

    to update:

    _root.stage_target_mc.internal_stage_target_mc.loadMovie(''message_displayed''+mes sage+''.swf'');

    to AS3:

    MovieClip(root).stage_target_mc.internal_loader.load(''message_displayed''+message +''.swf'');

    MovieClip(root).stage_target_mc.internal_stage_target_mc.load(''message_''+message _displayed+''.swf'');

    that's not what i typed.

    for your code to work:

    internal_stage_target_mc needs to be a loader on the stage_target_mc timeline.

    and you're correct, the url should be:?new URLRequest(''message_''+message _displayed+''.swf'')

    ''and you're correct, the url should be:?new URLRequest(''message_''+message _displayed+''.swf'')''

    wow thanks for the guessing game this was fun

    you're welcome.

  • facebook layouts
  • installation faillelure

    when I try to install Adobe reader 9.* at 98% there is a message :

    ''The installationprogram discovered that you have allready a more functional product installed. The installationprogram will be stopped.''

    But now I can`t open PDF files. Who knows what`s wrong and who has a sollution?


    installation faillelure

    Do you have a copy of Acrobat or Reader on your computer? If so remove both Acrobat and Reader and then install just one of the programs. If necessary you may have to use the Microsoft Installer Cleanup tool to remove all traces of both programs.

    Problem with live view in CS4 on...

    I have recently installed CS4 version of DW. When using Live View and Preview in Browser there are no problems with most of my existing sites, none at at all with any static sites. With some dynamic shopping sites, is is also fine. But with two sites, both using PHP and MySQL, there is a problem. Live View does not work and I get an error message: index.php - error occurred - An error occurred - cannot put index.php.?The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.?I get the same error message in Preview in Browser, but then the brower opens OK and the preview is fine. A waning shows up by the 'logs...' button, and the logs show the same message.

    I have closed DW, rebooted machine, but always get same error message.?The actual page works fine on?the live website.

    This is causing me problems, and I have been searching for other references to it.

    Difference between ''Make Movie'' & ''Add...

    I imagine there is at least a subtle difference between selecting ''Make Movie'' %26amp; ''Add to Render Queue''.

    Can someone here explain?



    Difference between ''Make Movie'' %26 ''Add...

    It's very, very subtle, and it doesn't really matter.

    The honest reason that they're both there is that Make Movie came first, before there was a render queue, and we just haven't gotten around to eliminating the redundancy.

    The subtle difference that persists is that the first time that you choose the Make Movie command, it will prompt you for an output name for your file, so you don't have to click to set this in the Render Queue panel.

    Difference between ''Make Movie'' %26 ''Add...

    Also, ''Add to Render Queue'' can add multiple selected Comps in the project panel, besides the currently active Comp in the Comp panel.

    ''Make Movie'' only adds one at a time and it's only available if there's an active Comp, right?

    Yes, Adolfo's right. I was focusing on the direction of ''but why would I ever choose Make Movie?''?In my opinion, you might as well forget that Make Movie is even there. As Adolfo has pointed out, there are some things that work better when you use Add To Render Queue.

    PSE 6 layer styles - how can I load new...

    PSE 6 layer styles - how can I load new styles?

    PSE 6 layer styles - how can I load new...

    If you have Windows, see this article under the heading ''Photoshop Elements 6 for Windows'':


    If you have a Mac, see this article:


    PSE 6 layer styles - how can I load new...


    You need to download styles and then paste them to C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\8.0\Photo Creations\layer styles.

    You need to have a

    1) .asl file

    2) metadata.xml file.

    Relaunch?the application after this. the styles would be visible.

    In case you dont see them just go to C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\8.0\Locale\en_us and delete ''MediaDatabase.db3'' file.

    For XP:

    Copy the styles to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\8.0\Photo Creations\layer styles

    and delete the ''MediaDatabase.db3'' file. at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\8.0\Locale\en_US.

    For MAC :

    /Volumes/OS%26lt;name of Disk%26gt;/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/8.0/Photo Creations/Layer styles.

    and delete the ''MediaDatabase.db3'' file. at /Volumes/OS%26lt;name of Disk%26gt;/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/8.0/Locale/en_US

    Hope this helps.

    PSE 6 - Ebenenstile einf鐪塯en, aber wie?

    kann mir jemand erkl鐩瞨en, wie man in PSE6 Ebenenstile einf鐪塯en kann. 鑴篵er den Vorgaben-Manager geht es nicht! Direkt in die Verzeichnisse kopieren bringt nur teilweise Erfolg. Anschliessend nach dem L鏋歴chen eine Fehlermeldung ''Stile nicht vorhanden''?

    Meine haupts鐩瞔hliche Frage aber, ob es 鐪塨erhaupt geht Stile einzuf鐪塯en?

    Danke f鐪塺 die Antworten.

    Deleting from backup?????

    Was curious on the easiest way to delete all my unwanted files from my external backup? every import i am backing up to a external and have lots of unwanted files taking up space.?any suggestions????

    Deleting from backup?????

    Lightroom does not access or monitor the backup files. So, you can delete them as you would any other file on your hard disk. However, be sure that you really do want to delete the files. Only delete those that you're sure won't be required in the future.

    Deleting from backup?????

    What some people do is to backup after they have made the selections and edits, then delete the original backup set. Obviously you need to be cautious in your approach.

    Sounds like the most logical way but, i like the whole automated thing right along with import.?LR should come up with a way to sync both drives for this purpose.

    Aim for the stars?

    While I know the team take backup seriously, I think what you're asking a little far fetched for Lightroom. What you are asking is normal for a backup utility like Chronosync or SyncToy, but beyond the bounds of an imaging program.

    Do you employ a system wide backup system? If not you risk far more than losing your images.

    I truly dont think thats too much to ask for.?All it would take would be linking your external to the program when desired.?And yes, i use time machine but i also like to back up just my photos a second time.?and seeing how you know the team, let them know they need an update for tying in with time machine.?Or is that too much to ask also?????

    It isn't if that's the feature you want to see in Lightroom 3.

    Personally, I'd rather have lens correction and better import/export, including video.

    The team isn't huge so engineering resources have to be allocated. That means prioritising features. Like you say, you already have a backup procedure in place.

    Yes it probably is too much to ask - what about those who don't use Time Machine (e.g. Windows based installations)?

    As Sean says, it sounds like using a 3rd party sync solution would meet your needs perfectly - on Windows I use Smart Sync Pro (similar to Chronosync) to keep my live images disk automatically synced with a backup drive.?It compliments my other system backups, and gives me an immediate restoration point for my images if the drive fails.

    If you don't want to pay for that peace of mind, there are free alternatives available - I have used an Applescript based solution on the Mac and SyncToy on Windows in the past...

    People have so many different ideas about what a backup is and how it should work that they would probably only please a small percentage of users with any system.?I think the backup as you import is to keep a copy until you do the backup of your image repository, with whatever tool does what YOU want it to do.

    I don't have LR do that backup.?I used to keep the card until I ran my backup program, but recently I have so many pre-processing steps (fixing Olympus caption, fixing Olympus and Panasonic lens information so the lens is identified and is always the same for the same lens, adding GPS data) that I just keep that copy until I import into LR and run the backup so I can be less confused as to what is on my cards.

    Get a disk for backups (or two), think through what you want for backups, get a backup program that does what you want, and run it.


  • facebook layouts
  • Dreamweaver CS4 slideshow option gone?


    Am I right that Dreamweaver no longer has a slideshow option??That is, the slideshows that were possible in CS3 are no longer available?

    I just want something simple- no thumbnails, no controls- just a repeating, fading slideshow, so the ones in Fireworks are also unsuitable.

    Does anyone have any suggestions that don't involve using code as to how I should put a flash slideshow on my webpage?



    Dreamweaver CS4 slideshow option gone?

    Am I right that Dreamweaver no longer has a slideshow option?

    Dreamweaver CS4 slideshow option gone?

    Why did Adobe drop this feature from DW?

    Maybe it was ''ancient, poor quality Flash stuff'' to you, but it worked for me.

    I just want to make a simple fade in/fade out slideshow of 6-8 images that DOESN'T have the controls, title, captions, and thumbnails showing.

    Every time I try to use the Bridge Output Module, the program crashes.

    Every time.


    Thanks for the ''improvement.''

    Hey, we're not all tech wizards out here.

    Why take away something that was simple and worked?

    Hey, I just got it.

    Adobe wants us to buy Flash!

    load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem

    I have a flash with AS3 and inside this swf i load in a AS2 swf.

    to load swf works just fine, but the problem is when i load this i want to go to

    a specific part of it, for example i want to go to frame 3 in the loaded swf.

    i must control this from the AS3 swf, does someone know if this is possible?

    thanks in advance

    load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem

    yes, it's possible.?use the localconnection class to communicate between the two swfs.

    load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem


    if i would communicate to a loaded swf with AS3 instead is it the same?

    Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:56:14 -0600

    From: forums@adobe.com

    To: gemstarlit@msn.com

    Subject: Action Script 3 load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem

    yes, it's possible. use the localconnection class to communicate between the two swfs.


    you can use localconnection to communicate between two as3 files, but there's no need.?it's much simpler to communicate directly use the correct path from the code's scope (or timeline) and the object you want to reference.

    the loader's content property (cast as a movieclip) references the loaded swf's main timeline.

    the loader's content (cast as a movieclip) references the loaded swf's main timeline.

    so this means i must have my loaded swf inside a mc in main swf?

    Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 09:14:24 -0600

    From: forums@adobe.com

    To: gemstarlit@msn.com

    Subject: Action Script 3 load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem

    you can use localconnection to communicate between two as3 files, but there's no need. it's much simpler to communicate directly use the correct path from the code's scope (or timeline) and the object you want to reference.

    the loader's content (cast as a movieclip) references the loaded swf's main timeline.



    if, in your loaded swf, you have a function f1() on the loaded swf's main timeline and you load that swf using a loader (say ldr), use:

    MovieClip(ldr.content).f1(); // to call f1() in the loaded swf using code on the same timeline as ldr.

    so can i do like this then to go to frame 3 in my loaded swf?

    MovieClip(ldr.content).gotoAndStop(3); ?

    sorry for being such an airhead

    thanks for helping me out =)

    Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 10:25:09 -0600

    From: forums@adobe.com

    To: gemstarlit@msn.com

    Subject: Action Script 3 load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem


    if, in your loaded swf, you have a function f1() on the loaded swf's main timeline and you load that swf using a loader (say ldr), use:

    MovieClip(ldr.content).f1(); // to call f1() in the loaded swf


    Its working now

    but only if i put the code on a button and click the button when the swf is loaded

    if i have the code in the timeline for example then i get an error #1009

    is this possible to get around

    thanks alot =)

    Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 10:25:09 -0600

    From: forums@adobe.com

    To: gemstarlit@msn.com

    Subject: Action Script 3 load AS2 swf into AS3 swf problem


    if, in your loaded swf, you have a function f1() on the loaded swf's main timeline and you load that swf using a loader (say ldr), use:

    MovieClip(ldr.content).f1(); // to call f1() in the loaded swf


    you can't direct a loading swf to its frame 3 UNTIL frame 3 is loaded.?so, you could use preloader code or use a listener to ensure your swf is completely loaded:


    function loadCompleteF(e:Event){



    Loss of sketch option in Filters

    Im trying to turn in a image into a photocopy. In the filters drop down there the sketch option is not highlited so i cant access this option as well as extract, filter gallery and?pattern maker in one section. The section with sketch is also not letting me acces artistic, brush strokes, pixalate and texture. also dimarc isant highlighted. i have reset to default work space reset all tools and brushes what else can i do. Thanks


    Loss of sketch option in Filters

    go to Edit-%26gt;Menus and select Photoshop Defaults in the Set dropdown

    Loss of sketch option in Filters

    No sorry that didnt work thanks for your help

    then make sure that you have Image-%26gt;Mode-%26gt;RGB Color and Image-%26gt;Mode-%26gt;8Bits/channel selected

    Thank you zeno that worked. Just need to catch up on the last 2 hours ive lost trying to sort it thanks again

    Simple SQL Search field

    Hi guys,

    I have an sql table with a couple of hundred company names.?I want to invite people to let us know about companies whe do not have on the list - so need to add a simple search bar for users to check if ''mycompany'' is in the list/table.

    I have spent the last couple of hours Pi**ing in the wind with various old macromedia extensions that no longer work and various other site-search software.

    I'm really not fussed about installing a ''site search'' I just want a search bar that checks the Name field of my Company table - that's it

    Can anyone think of a simply way to do this??I would rather ( and I know I'm being fussy) not have to change pages to get the results. - I want the search bar to be a little column on the left of the page, which does it's own thing independantly.

    I'm going round in circles with this and would appreciate some help,

    Thank you


    saving Ai File problem in cs3

    Hi guys

    im using cs3 in power mac g5, and when im trying to save an artwork into ''Ai'' file format, im getting an ''unknown error'' message, and ive already deleted the com.adobe.illustrator.plist, but still...im recieving the same error.

    it was working fine yesterday, coud it be one of this things that i did that caused this:


    - 1st i had downloaded a bit torrent application

    - 2nd is i force shutdown the computer cause it is shutting down very slow and i have to go.

    can any1 help me here please.

    saving Ai File problem in cs3


    I have no clue about 1; only 2 if you had the file unsaved then, in which case you should have had an issue opening it.

    You may try to copy the artwork piece by piece and place it in front (Ctrl/Com+F) in a new document and then take it from there.

    saving Ai File problem in cs3

    ah this problem occurs in all works not only in 1 particular file, do you think my computer had a dejavu or something? i feel it has been restored from its previous setting...(refering to mac)??

    It could be caused by the application you downloaded and I assue installed.

    You might now have a permissions problem. So check the directory that your files is located in right or control click on the directory, folder, go to Get Info, then scroll to ownership and permissions and see if all the users have read/write use of the if not and I suspect?it is set to read only for some change it to read/write for all users then apply that to all files and folders within that directory there is a little wheel like icon at the bottom that is a drop down with this option.

    Might take a few seconds or minutes for it to complete the task.

    hi wade,

    ive checked my file info and here is the detail:

    ownership permission - read %26amp; write

    ?owner - read %26amp; write

    ?group - no access

    ?others - no access

    this are the settings of my folder, while i still have the error on saving.

    Yes change them to read write for group and others.

    then see what happens.

    i've done it and applied to enclosed items as well, but still i get the same ''unknown error'' msg prompting.

    Did you apply it to all of the files in the directory or is this just

    to the file you see the whole path has to be clear up to the parent


    Do you see what I mean if you do it to the file but the folder the

    file resides is set the same way well it means nothing.

    However you change everything manually I have to say that on most

    occasion this error has gone away for me by doing this but not always

    so you have to decide if you want to try this

    I cannot guarantee it will help you I think it will but I am not


    Good luck.

    I just got this error myself so and when I looked at all the directories some were like yours with permissions settings and changing them al did nothing like ours, I was actually opening a pdf and then saving it that so that might have something to do with?the problem, however I did something that I had done many times in the past which was to do a save as and overwrite the existing file and that worked fine.

    hi wade,

    im perfectlly out of mood on my illustrator now. i leave the matter of?saving it on Ai and saved it to other file format now as my mean of solution, but now its having an error which has a [CANF] at the end.....

    are you familiar with this?


    Absolutely not! I have never run into it.

    If you want to try you can ask over at the photoshop forum or send a

    private message to Chris Cox one of their main software engineers and

    he might know.

    But I think you are encountering a permissions problem or a corruption

    problem perhaps you have a plug in installed that needs to be removed.

    Both your #1 and #2 can have serious reprocussions on the healthiness of your system.

    My recommendation is to do an archive and install of the OS and reinstall Illustrator from original Adobe media, while removing bit torrent items which can contain problematic code.

    Forcing shutdown because you are impatient will inevitably lead to a corrupt OS.

    well yah i think its because of my improper shutdown of my computer that damaged my illustrator,

    one bad thing is i dont have the installer to re-install it.

    how can i PM chris by the way? sorry for this lots of chain questions.. but you really help!


    Chris isn't going to help with bit torrent issues.

    If you legally purchased the software and registered it, contact Adobe Customer Support and ask about replacement media.

    If you didn't purchase it and are trying to get a Torrent download to work.. well.. you get what you pay for.

    Now why won't you have the installer?

    I don't think Chris is going to answer your questions even if he knew.

    You own the license or you don't and the excuse that you don't have

    the installer is absurd.

    And of course you did not write the serial number down as well

    naturally who dies a thing like that.

    I didn't see that coming Scott we cross posted but what nerve.

    Where do these brats come from?

    excuse you guys

    not having the installer doesnt mean i got the software from any third party sites or any sort of stuff. im using an office computer and what i mean from not having the installer is i dont have it on my hand (since it is not mine and an office property, and certain offices has certain rules and procedures?), and im trying to figure out how to fix the problem on this case or im finding an alternate solution than resorting to re-installing!

    nyway if the problem cannot be solved then its fine, i can re-install it..but not soon, other than accusing or calling someone a ''brat'' for a sudden jump of conclusion. i think is not nice

    tnx for the help and tips though.


    It still doesn't sound that way to me, if this is owned by an office

    an you have to reinstall it and the It does this then it is clear you

    have the It and they will do it.

    That is what they are for and they would probably not want you to

    solve the problem on your own and do something that might

    inadvertently bring down their system.

    Good try but this doesn't hold water. And I don't believe you.

    dude not all offices have IT for your info, it depends on what office it is,

    it doesnt matter if you believe or not, and in this case you are accusing , not helping

    You're right I won't participate any further.


    I have had PSE 7 for Oct, 2008 and all of a sudden the Organsier won't open when I click on it - Editor opens ok - please help.




    I just posted the same sitiation..ANYONE OUT THERE PLEASE help.


    Unfortunately, there can be many reasons that PSE crashes or won't start.?I suggest working methodically through these steps:

    http://www.johnrellis.com/psedbtool/photoshopelements-6-7-faq.htm#_Troubleshooti ng_Organizer_crashes

    Error while installign AIR Application...

    Hi All,

    I am new to Adobe AIR and facing error while Installing AIR application. This specially happens when in include a folder named ''htmls'' in the assets directory in my project.

    This folder have lots of html files and others folders. These file names have some special characters as well like ''. %26amp; - _''.

    However I can install the Application when I exclude this folder and everything works fine. Not able to find out the exact problem.

    Looking forward for help !!

    Log contents:


    failed while unpackaging: [ErrorEvent type=''error'' bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text=''invalid package signature'' errorID=5022]
    starting cleanup of temporary files
    application installer exiting


    App installer failed; exit code 7
    begin quitting

    Error while installign AIR Application...

    You may have found a bug in the AIR installer or packager. Given that the signature is an XML file, the ''%26amp;'' character seems the most likely culprit.

    The only short-term workaround is to identify which characters cause the problem and avoid using it.

    You should avoid the following characters in any case, since these cannot be used in file names on all platforms:
