Friday, March 26, 2010

Text Not Shoing In IE

I have created two personal web pages using Dreamweaver. One of them displays fine in the three major browsers I've previewed in: Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Rather than post code, the site may be viewed at

I have a related page (for my alter ego on some other forums) at

When I view this site in Internet Explorer, only graphics or href tag text shows. There is no plain text visible. I've tried this from several computers in my house, both local preview and live on the Internet, with the same result. The page looks fine in Firefox and Safari.

I am still new to this and the Dragonman site is my first attempt at incorporating Flash on a page. I thought maybe something was wrong there, but the flash is way down on the page and there is no text at the top. I've used Dreamweaver's code validation and can't see any problems. I've also manually parsed the code and do not see anything amiss either.

Any suggestions where the problem lies?

Am I missing something obvious?

Thanks for the help!

Text Not Shoing In IE

I have just previewed your first link in IE 6, 7 + 8, no problems.


Text Not Shoing In IE

Wow! Quick response, and on a Sunday too!

The first one is OK, it is the Dragonman page that has the problems.

Thanks for checking.

I have just tested you page in IE 6 + 7 (o/k in 8), and they are throwing exceptions (have them running under a debug option, unfortunately not available with normal versions), so it is probably somewhere in your JavaScript code, (check your conditional statments for IE as well).


Delete the HTML comments from the first and last lines in d-styles.css (a style sheet is not an HTML page)

In the same style sheet, you have set the background and the color to the same values in the body{} section. Change the color to black and it should be visible.

Then you'll want to fix the other errors that show up in the validators.



Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :-)
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Thank you Mark and PZ.

The first fix I'm going to try is the one Mark is suggesting. I won't be able to get to it until later this evening, however. If that does the trick, I'll post it here.

I'm going to also try your suggestion, PZ, and see what effect that has. Again, I'll post a reply here.

Thank to you both.

Thank you Mark!

Simple beginer's oversight and I was going crazy trying to figure that one out.

I had forgotten about the comments in the style sheet being in the wrong format. This was originally embedded in the page and I was trying to break it out to make the styles applicable across a range of pages common to the site. The pages are still in the planning stage, but based on the other site for my coming trip, I am already appreciating not having to reinvent the wheel for each page I do.

The other error, the text color, came about as I was trying to eliminate the white coloration around my page. I saw another color and decided to change it, not realizing what that one was controling. Deleting the html style comments took care of that; ny page now loks like it is supposed to.

Lessons learned and thanks for the help!

You're welcome!

Yes, external style sheets are a real benefit as a walk around the css Zen Garden illustrates so well.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :-)
This message was processed and edited by Jive.
It shall not be considered an accurate representation of my words.
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