I reported back in early March of this year to Canon about a problem using their Easy Print Pro plug-in for Photoshop CS4.
When loaded, the icons assigned to the Arrange Documents Pulldown Menu are missing.?If the plugin is NOT loaded, icons associated with Arrange Documents are visible as expected.
I've also discovered three workarounds for this issue.
1) Use the Help pull-down menu and access the About Plug-ins submenu.?Then select Canon Easy Print Pro.?Hit OK after the splash screen appears.
2) Use the File, Automate Menu.?Access Canon Easy Print Pro.?One the Canon Easy Print Pro module window appears, you may close the window.
3) Don't install the Canon Easy Print Pro plug-in to Photoshop CS4.
Unless you use one of the three workarounds, the icons associated with Arrange Documents will no be visible.
Has anyone else seen this behavior when the Canon Easy Print Pro plug-in has been installed??
Anyone else having problems with...I thank you all for your assistance.?I got the answer I was looking for.?Please feel free to add YOUR comments on this subject!
Anyone else having problems with...I wanted to answer but I don't have that easy pro stuff. Maybe the same for others.
Thanks for the reply. Some response is better than none.
Jim Strenk
Hello Jim,
Once I made the instal of th pilot I got the problem you described.
I applied the very first workaround you gave and.................... it works
Thanks a lot
I must say, this a very strange behaviour, a very strange work around .
I must also thank Adbo that gave me the adress of your post.
I stay very angry against Canon because I mentioned this bug to their support 15 days ago. I did not even receive an aknowlegement of my mail nor even a simple reaction whil during that time I got 4 messages from Adobe.
There is an other big bug with Canon, they sold me an espensive printer but they don't give any ICC profile in the soft for their papers. While it's said in the doc that profiles are disponible! But where?
More on that it's pratically impossible to get the papers (theirs!) they mention on their pub.......
Hi Jim,
The work around you propose is working correctly but it's not permanent solution each time CS4 is started I get the same situation, each time I have to apply your solution.
dec9 wrote:
I wanted to answer but I don't have that easy pro stuff. Maybe the same for others.
I do agree John
brainois wrote:
Hi Jim,
The work around you propose is working correctly but it's not permanent solution each time CS4 is started I get the same situation, each time I have to apply your solution.
I do agree JIm, I had problemms with onOne plugin that don't work ase well with CS4.
As I said I have send a lot of mails to Canon Belgium without any answer.
The amazing thing is that this afternoon I got a Canon phone number from Adobe and it works.
I got finally a contact with somebody into Canon offices. She took my different claims in consid鑼卹ation and she told me that I should get an answer at least on wenesday......
Let's wait.........................
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