Sunday, March 28, 2010

Flash Builder and Flash IDE integration


one of the main reasons for me to get the new release of the flex builder would

be the possibility to use the IDE as coding environment for my flash projects.

as the editor of f4 is still a mess, i am very curious if adobe now implemented

the workflow into this release.

is anyone aware of that?

can i now (seamless, hehe) code my projects in FB4 while developing assets

and applications in flash4?

(still using Flashdevelop as an alternative, but honestly the workflow is crap

if you楹搑e working under mac)...

thx for your answers


Flash Builder and Flash IDE integration

hi again,

is this question to stupid to be answered or does no one of the active adobe members here know about the application details?

i mean, sorry, but honestly i think that this is something a few customers would be interested in and could be a valid sales pitch.

thx again


Flash Builder and Flash IDE integration


there are some new features related to integration with Flash CS4, but probably not exactly what you are looking for. The current set of new features is more suited to working on your assets in Flash and getting them back into FB4 (more seamless integration but similar to using the Flex Component Kit for Flash). Using FB4 to edit you ActionScript for a Flash CS4 project is something we have considered and continue to look into but it is not currently slated for part of this release.

hope that helps,



While I did see a demo of FB4, I came up with a thought about the IDE integration and that would be to take ALL the IDE's and integrate them, give me the ability to swap at top via drop down box or menu bar which IDE I want to work in.

Simply create the consistent frame work and load the additional DLLs etc for each program you own/pruchase.

I want and IDE for Flash that is the same IDE as CF. Now obviously some things will not be the same, but hey it would be closer and to me much more efficient then have three or 4 different apps open at the same time going back and forth as needed to create whatever I am working on.

If I am in Flash and need to swap to CF to tweek the CFC being used, I simply click the drop down or menu bar inside the IDE and viola there I am. I think this would cut down on a tramendous amount of overhead used by loading so many different IDE's.

An example of this is I use CF8 inside Dreamweaver CS3, I have to make an additional step to get to the help file. If we have an IDE that is the master framework per se and I am using Flash and click help it should open the help for Flash. If I am using CF then it should open the CF help files etc.


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