Friday, March 26, 2010

Achieving a glossy metallic look

Just when a thought that I was in for a nice quiet Sunday one of my girlfriends has popped around posing me a question - and now an equal problem. She has brought with her a USB stick containing several images of an old (31 years) scooter that she wishes to get restored, including a change of colour, and has asked me could I possibly change the original colour and try a few others to see what they look like. Whilst making a selection of the original colour panels isn't a problem, when I change the colour using the Fill function the result of course is a flat colour lacking in any sort of metallic gloss feel to the paint. Can anyone suggest a way of substituting the colour and adding a bit of lustre to the paint job other than by the method I have been choosing which is obviously incorrect. Thanks, and oh, I'm using CS4 by the way.

Achieving a glossy metallic look

Having selected the area, do the fill on a new layer and experiment with the layer's blending modes (eg Overlay) and Opacity.

Also try applying different Styles from the Styles panel.

Note: You can append lots more styles to those in the panel by using the drop-down menu at the top right of the panel.

Achieving a glossy metallic look

Now we're getting somewhere. Thanks John.

ElliR wrote:

Now we're getting somewhere. Thanks John.

if it's changing the colors from red to green, blue to yellow or the other way around then you can easily do this in Lab color mode by simply using Curves and inverting the a or b channels


A couple more options:

Image%26gt; Adjustments%26gt; Replace Color... on a duplicate layer

or you could try Select%26gt; Color Range... to get a selection, and then Image%26gt; Adjustments%26gt; Hue/Saturation... for nondestructive edits.

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