In testing environment, the 閳ユゲist variables閳?command only shows me : Niveau #0:Variable _level0.$version = ''WIN 9,0,45,0''.
It is described in Flash 9 help (French version : ActionScript / D鑼卋ogage du code ActionScript 1.0 et 2.0 / Liste des objets et variables d'un fichier SWF : Enum鑼卹ation des variables d'un fichier SWF dans le panneau de sortie.)
I would like to see this command functioning.
Can you tell me how?
閳ユゲist variables閳?command in testing...
are you using flex??if so, you may get better response from a flex forum.
閳ユゲist variables閳?command in testing...
I'm using Flash. I've asked this question in differents forums. I never had any answer. That's the reason why I come here...
copy and paste your actionscript.
Every ActionScript gives me this same answer (With previous versions of Flash, I never had this problem). The Flash help example (and any other code, with a lot of variables) :
var myCatSays:String = ''meow'';
var myNum:uint= 313;
var myArray:Array = [''one'', ''two'', ''three''];
always gives me :
Niveau#0: Variable_level0.$version=''WIN 9,0,45,0''
copy and paste the relevant actionscript.
/* relevant ??*/
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
const IMG_DATA:BitmapData = new Puma(400, 300);
const DIM:Bitmap = new Bitmap(IMG_DATA);
const IW:uint = DIM.width;
const IH:uint = DIM.height;
const IO:uint = DIM.x = (stage.stageWidth - IW) / 2;
const JO:uint = DIM.y = (stage.stageHeight - IH) / 2;
const W:uint = 10, H:uint = 10;
const C:uint = IW / W;
const L:uint = IH / H;
const PW:uint = 2;// puissance du Mvt
const FR:Number = .88;//.85// frottement
const RATIO:Number = .7;//7// dur鑼卐
const DMAX:uint = 1e+4;
const A:Number = PW / DMAX;
const S:Sprite = new Sprite();
S.x = IO, S.y = JO;
const M:Sprite = new Sprite();;, JO, IW, IH);;
S.mask = M;
var m:MovieClip;
for (var i:uint=0; i%26lt;C; i++) {
for (var j:uint=0; j%26lt;L; j++) {
?var cut:BitmapData = new BitmapData(W, H);
?cut.copyPixels(IMG_DATA, new Rectangle(W * i, H * j, W, H), new Point(0, 0));
?m = new MovieClip();
?var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(cut);
?m.x = m.xo = W * i;
?m.y = m.yo = H * j;
?m.vx = m.vy = 0;
?m.fx = m.fy = 0;
?m.dx = m.dy = 0;
?m.sgnX = m.sgnY = 0;
?m.dist = 0;
function elastic(e:Event):void {
var n:uint = S.numChildren;
while(--n%26gt;=0) {
?m = MovieClip(S.getChildAt(n));
?m.dx = this.mouseX - m.x - W - 50;
?m.dy = this.mouseY - m.y - H - 50;
?m.sgnX = (m.dx %26gt; 0)? -1 : 1;
?m.sgnY = (m.dy %26gt; 0)? -1 : 1;
?m.dist = m.dx * m.dx + m.dy * m.dy;
?m.fx = m.fy = 0;
?if (m.dist %26lt; DMAX) {
var f = - A * m.dist + PW;
m.fx = m.dx * m.dx / m.dist * m.sgnX * f;
m.fy = m.dy * m.dy / m.dist * m.sgnY * f;
?m.vx = ((m.vx * FR) + (m.xo - m.x) * RATIO) + m.fx;
?m.vy = ((m.vy * FR) + (m.yo - m.y) * RATIO) + m.fy;
?m.x += m.vx;
?m.y += m.vy;
// Arr閿歵 du mouvement
var mv:Boolean = false;
var t0:int = .85e+3;
function MouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void {
mv = true;
t0 = getTimer() + .95e+3; //.85e+3
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, MouseMove);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, EnterFrame);
function EnterFrame(e:Event):void {
if (!mv) {
?var dt = t0 - getTimer();
?if (dt%26lt;0) {
this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, elastic);
} else {
?mv = !mv;
?this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, elastic);
(for example)
so, you're not using the trace() function to cause that output panel display.?so, what's causing that?
I thank you help me, but the trace function is mot the object of my question. I only want to see this command functioning : 'List variables'; and not any other one.
This command is detailed in Flash Help.
In my french version :
FLASH HELP : ActionScript/D鑼卋ogage du code ActionScript/Liste des objets et variables d'un fichier SWF : Enum鑼卹ation des variables d'un fichier SWF dans le panneau de sortie.
WHEN TESTING (.swf window) : D鑼卋oguer %26gt; Lister les variables
That command should give me the varaibles list. Why don't I have this list ?
you're using the as2 debugger of an as3 application.
I know the debugger console since a long time. That's not the thing I ask. I want to ''list variables'' in the .swf window (as the title of this thread says:'List variables' command in testing environment), but not the 'Variables' window in the debug console.
Then, if I'm using AS2 debugger of an AS3 application, what is the utility of this command 'LIST VARIABLES' in my FLASH 9 application? Why does it exists? And what is its UTILITY in FLASH 9?
It's not here to always show me: ''Niveau#0: Variable_level.$version=''WIN 9,0,45,0'' !
I thank you, but my question is not answered.
I don't understand utility of a command which is used FOR NOTHING in Flash 9 !
(I'm not using the AS2 debbuger: the AS2 debugger exists, and it is NOT this command)
(in AS2)
use break points in your code and click debug/debug movie.?your variables will be listed in the variables panel.
I DONT WANT to use break points in my code and click debug/debug movie. Debug command is NOT the one I want to see functioning HERE and is NOT the object of my question !
I only want to LIST my variables, like Flash documentation indicates it.
What is the utility of 'LIST VARIABLES' command in FLASH 9 ?
When using Flash 9 I go here (in french version) : 'Fichier' %26gt; 'Param鐚玹res de publication', and I modify : Flash player 8 and ActionScript 2.0, I see variables throw testing environment, when I do the 'List variables' command (.swf window : ''Debug' %26gt; 'List variables')
It's that command, which is also here in Flash 9 (Flash player 9 and ActionScript 3) that I want to see functioning.
well, i'm sorry.?the as3 debugger is not the same as the as2 debugger.?either adapt or not.
You keep me in suspense : What is the utility, the ''raison d'閿歵re'' of this famous 'LIST VARIABLES' command in FLASH 9 ?
Until something better turns up...
More !
If you download ADOBE samples here:
Open for example : flash_as3_samples %26gt; Drawing %26gt; 3_graphics
List variables in testing environment (with Flash player 9 and ActionScript 3.0): that runs smoothly!
Thomebody knows how to parameter this command ?
The previous sample concerned ''les composants''.
In reality, for works concerning AMV2 (Flash Player 9/AS3), this command will apparently never exist again. DMD only gives this functionality, but it's not exactly the same...