Can anyone give me a few hints or point me to some sample code that will dynamically (and ideally, smoothly) resize a custom itemrenderer in a tileList component?
I currently have a tileList with a custom itemRenderer that extends vbox.?It is a very simple component consisting of a Image and a label below it.?Elsewhere in my app I have a Hslider that I would like to use to set the 'zoom' on my tileList (so resizing my custom itemRenderer).
As a first step I would like the images to resize smoothly, but another wrinkle is as the images become bigger (or smaller), I will need the tileList to dynamically change the number of columns displayed.
Any hints or pointers would be appreciated.
dynamically resizing itemrendererunfortnatly that is not possible.
a trick that you can do is to have a component that looks as your itemRenderer and then when you do a mouseOver on your place the ''fake'' itemRender over your real one on the tileList, and them you can do whatever animation you need.
Rigth now I working on something like that, so as soon i have that working well I let you know.
If anybody have a better aproach i will like to know as well
dynamically resizing itemrendererI have found some code to do it.?It's not perfect, but it works pretty well.?I followed the lead of this guy here:
I did something like this:
private function sliderChange(target:TileList, event:SliderEvent):void {
var currentSlider:Slider=Slider(event.currentTarget);
target.columnCount = Math.floor(target.width/currentSlider.value);
target.rowCount= Math.floor(target.height/currentSlider.value);
target.columnWidth = currentSlider.value;
target.rowHeight = currentSlider.value;
and this:
%26lt;mx:HSlider liveDragging=''true''
labels=''['0', '100']''
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